Questions & Answers Regarding Medicaid Managed Care
Q: I got a letter telling me I had to pick a health plan, how do I sign up?
A: You do not need to choose a health plan today because the move to Managed Care is on hold. The State will tell you when Managed Care restarts and when you will need to choose a health plan.
Q: How does this affect my Medicaid Coverage?
A: Your Medicaid coverage will stay the same.
Q: Do I need to do anything right now?
A: No. You do not need to choose a health plan. You will keep getting your Medicaid coverage and health services the way you do now.
Q: Can I still see my doctor?
A: Yes. You can go to the primary care provider listed on your Medicaid card. If you need to change your primary care doctor, please contact your local DSS office.
Q: What if I already picked a health plan? Do I still get the extra benefits I was offered?
A: No. You will not move to a health plan now, so you will not get any added services the health plan offers.
Q: Do I still need to enroll while Managed Care is on hold?
A: No. You cannot choose a health plan as this time
Q: Why was Managed Care delayed? Why did this happen?
A: Legislators did not take action to move forward with managed care, so Managed Care can’t go-live at this time. Medicaid benefits will continue as they are today.
Q: What if I have questions?
A: Call the Medicaid Contact Center at 1-888-245-0179. The Contact Center is open Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Eastern