Beginning Saturday October 8, 2022, the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office will step up enforcement of Untarped Loads. Enforcement will be concentrated near the County landfill in what has been identified as the ‘Landfill Corridor.’

The Alamance County Landfill is located at 2701 Austin Quarter Rd. in southern Alamance County near Saxapahaw.

The Landfill Corridor includes Austin Quarter Rd., Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd., N.C. 54 Hwy., N.C. 119 Hwy., N.C. 87 Hwy., Swepsonville-Saxapahaw Rd., and Mineral Springs Rd.

The enforcement action is designed to enhance safety by preventing items from falling or flying out of a truck and/or trailer and reduce litter on County highways.

An Untarped Load could result in a citation of having an unsecured load and/or littering.

So, “Tarp It! It’s The Law!”

Tarp It!