The next Tax Foreclosure Sale will be on September 25th, 2024.Our sales are held at the Historic Courthouse downtown Graham #1 Court Square, Graham, NC 27253, at 12:00 Noon.
- Anyone considering purchasing property at a tax foreclosure sale should be aware that there is a risk. The County does not guarantee or provide any warranty.
- It is important to know that the deed description of the property or properties contained in this ad may or may not be the exact description of what is actually being sold. The property to be sold is that property contained in the deed description SAVE AND EXCEPT ANY CONVEYANCES OF RECORD. In other words, the deed description may include portions of land that have already been sold off by the current owner, portions that are NOT subject to the sale.
- Properties that are sold maybe subject to IRS Tax Liens, County/City Taxes for any years not covered under our judgment, and other restrictions of record.
- It is the buyer’s responsibility to research and obtain information regarding these properties prior to the sale.
- It is the bidder’s responsibility to check on the status of their upset bid after the Sale with the Alamance County Clerk of Superior Court.
- The deed description may include portions of land that have already been sold off by the current owner and are NOT subject to the sale.
- The Notices of Sale are advertised in the Alamance News for two weeks prior to the sale.
- If a bidder fails to follow through with their winning bid, the bidder will forfeit their deposit and the property will be resold. If the next bid is less than the original winning bid, a default judgment will be entered against the defaulting bidder for the loss.
1). County of Alamance v. Howard C Crisp, Sr., and Sandra Crisp-Poteat- #135904- a vacant lot located at 621 Acorn Street, Burlington, NC . Amount $TBD File# 24-M-123
All that certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Alamance Insurance Company, J.A. Vanderford, R. E. Garrison, B. F. Thorton, Acorn (formerly Chestnue) Street, and bounded and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a corner on the southwest side of Acorn Street; running thence with the line of Alamance Insurance Company South 55 deg. West 151 feet to a corner with J.A. Vanderford line Lot No. 24; thence with the line of Lot No. 21, North 42 deg. West 50 feet to a corner with R.E. Garrison line and lot No. 28; running thence with the line of Lot No. 28 North 55 deg. East 155 feet to a corner with the southwest side of Acorn Street; thence with the line of said Acorn Street Southeast 50 feet to the point of BEGINNING, being all of Lot No. 27 of the survey known as Witherdale Heights according to plat made by L. H. Holt, surveyor. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a corner on the southwest side of Acorn Street corner with Lot No. 27; running thence with the line of Lot No. 27 South 55 deg. West 121 feet 10 inches to a corner with Lot No. 24; thence along the said line of said Lot No. 24 South 42 deg. East 10 feet to a corner with B.F. Thornton; thence along the line of said Thronton North 55 deg. East 121 feet, 10 inches to the southwest side of said Acorn Street; running thence along the southwest side of Acorn Street northwest 10 feet to the point of BEGINNING, being part of Lots Nos. 25 and 26 of the Pickard and Trogdon lands. The foregoing tracts being the same tracts conveyed to Mrs. Emma Simpson (widow) by Cletis Hinshaw (single) by warranty deed on Dec. 3, 1934, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina in Deed Book 108, at Page 370 and as corrected by correction deed dated September 28, 1948.
2.) County of Alamance v. Janet Morse Fox, Heirs- #137591- a house located at 815 Harris Street, Burlington, NC. Amount $TBD File# 24-M-156
All of that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Harris Street and others, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at an iron bolt, corner with Stout on the South side of said street; running thence South 1 ½ deg. West 162 ft. 8” to an iron pipe, corner with Ausley and Stout; thence South 88 ½ deg. East (B.S.) 85 ft. to an iron bolt, corner with Blaylock in said Ausley’s line; thence North 1 ½ deg. East 161 ft. to an iron bolt, corner with said Fredrick on South side of said street; thence North 87 deg. 50’ West 85 ft. to the BEGINNING, containing .3 of an acre, more or less, being the same property conveyed by George W. Anthony and wife, Jessie Anderson Anthony to J. L. Faulkner , May 2, 1910, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds, Book 44, at Page 127, 128, 129 on July 22, 1922. This property is commonly known as 815 Harris Street, Burlington, N.C
3). County of Alamance v. Shirley B. Kuenn, Irrevocable Trust, Shirley B. Kuenn now being deceased & Brian Lee Kuenn, now deceased and heirs of Shirley B. Kuenn- #144749- a house located at 921 Essex Drive, Graham, NC. Amount $TBD File# 24-M-103
A certain tract or parcel of land located in Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Essex Drive and others and more particularly described as follows: BEING ALL OF LOT THREE (3), of Eden Valley Subdivision, Section Two (2), as shown by drawing recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 19, Page 102, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description. This property is conveyed subject to restrictions, easements, and rights of way, if any.
4). County of Alamance v. Linda Woods Shue, Heir of Walter and Sallie Woods- #137434- 922 Dixie Street, Burlington, NC. Amount $TBD File# 24-M-104
A parcel of land in Burlington, North Carolina, beginning at the intersection of the Northeastern edge of Dixie Street with the Northwestern edge of Dixie Street with the Northwestern edge of Stockard Street; thence with the Northeastern edge of Dixie Street North 36° 36′ West 104 feet to iron stake; thence North 53° 24′ East 171 feet to an iron stake; thence South 82° 40′ East 97.2 feet to an iron stake; thence South 4° 15′ West 51.25 feet to an iron stake in the Northwestern edge of Stockard Street; thence with said Street South 53° 24′ West 205.5 feet to the beginning, being the same property described in deed to Charles V. Sharpe in Book 261 at Page 279.
5). County of Alamance v. David Lee Whitley, Heirs- #101636- 4258 Spanish Oak Hill Road, Snow Camp, NC. Amount $TBD File# 24-M-105
A certain tract or parcel of land in Patterson Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J.T. Farmer, Albert Jeffries and Raeford Jeffries, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Murray Road, a corner with J.T. Farmer and Raeford Jeffries, and running thence with the center of Murray Road and the line of J. T. Farmer, South 87 ͦ 52 ’30” West, 428.52 feet to a point in Murray Road, a corner with J.T. Farmer and Albert Jeffries; thence with the line of said Albert Jeffries, south with the line of Albert Jeffries, 292.98 feet to a stake, a corner with Albert Jeffries; thence again with the line of Albert Jeffries, South 85 ͦ 14′ 40″ East , 221.49 feet to a stake, a corner with Albert Jeffries; thence again with Albert Jeffries, North 10 ͦ 00′ 40″ East, 116.22 feet to a stake, another corner with Albert Jeffries; thence again with the live of Albert Jeffries, North 89 ͦ 11′ 20″ East 194.45 feet to stake, a corner with Albert Jeffries and Raeford Jeffries; thence with the line of Raeford Jeffries, North 3° 57′ 40″ West, 210.00 feet to the center of the Murray Road, being the point of BEGINNING, and containing 2.5845 acres, more or less. The above description was obtained from a survey made by John D. Sommers, RLS, September 11, 1968. EXCEPTED HOWEVER from the above described property is that certain tract or parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Brodie Vincent which deed is duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office, Alamance Co.
The highest bidder at the sale shall be required to pay IN FULL (not make a deposit) the total amount of the successful bid at the conclusion of the execution sale (subject to the confirmation of the sale as by law provided). The successful bid amount shall be paid in cash or certified funds (payable to the Alamance County Tax Department). There is a 2 hour window after the sale in which to deliver the successful bid amount to the Alamance County Tax Office. The successful bidder shall also be responsible for the payment of any excise tax due to the Register of Deeds office, and all recording fees at the appropriate time.
There is a ten (10) day upset bid period in which the high bid may be upset by filing an Upset Bid with the Alamance County Clerk of Court. The Upset Bid must be in cash or by certified funds in an amount greater than or equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the Upset Bid but in any event not less than seven hundred fifty ($750.00) dollars.
This Upset Bid must be filed with the Alamance County Clerk of Court by 5:00 P.M. on the tenth day after the filing of the Report of Sale. If the tenth day is a Sunday or a legal holiday or a day which the office of the clerk is not open then the deposit may be made the following business day. After the ten day upset bid period expires successfully with no upset bid having been made, the Order of Confirmation is filed and the Alamance County Sheriff will execute a Non-Warranty Sheriff’s Deed.
The total amount of the upset bid is due upon delivery of the Sheriff’s Deed. If you have questions regarding TAX FORECLOSURES in Alamance County you may contact Robin Isley, Paralegal for Alamance County at (336) 570-4049 or