As of July 1, 2017, the County Inspections Department will change to a “multi-trade “ inspection procedure/ format for all SMALL RESIDENTIAL remodels, additions and new construction projects of 1000 sq. ft. or less. This change will also reduce the amount of time spent by homeowners and contractors waiting for the inspector to arrive. The procedure will not apply to any commercial projects.
The procedure will be as follows:
- The contractor will be required to make sure that all trades are ready for inspection at the same time for rough-in and final inspections. Other inspections (foundation, projection, etc.) will not be affected.
- The procedure will not be retroactive to permits already issued, but a contractor may request all trades together on already permitted small projects if he or she so chooses.
- The project will be designated as Multi-Trade at the time of permit issuance, and the contractor will be informed of the procedure and receive a copy of this document.
- This process will not be optional, and no partial inspection requests for rough-in or final inspections will be accepted. If all trades are not ready when the inspector arrives, a $50.00 re-inspection fee will be charged.
- The contractor may still request pre-siding (building paper) inspections if desired. We would still like to do an open floor framing inspection prior to installation of subflooring.
We appreciate your cooperation in making this procedural adjustment
For more information about this change, please contact Robert Key, Inspections Director at or visit