Sunday, November 4, 2018
10 Tips for Election Day Voters
RALEIGH, N.C. – The State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement offers the following 10 tips for voters as they head to the polls on Election Day – Tuesday, November 6.
1) Polls across North Carolina are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Voters in line at 7:30 p.m. will be able to cast a ballot. Lines tend to be longer before and after normal business hours.
2) Statewide, about 2,700 precincts will be open Tuesday. Find your Election Day polling place here: Voters may vote in another precinct in their county of residence. However, to ensure you receive your full ballot, go to the precinct for the address where you lived on October 7, 2018.
3) Sample ballots are available through the State Board’s Voter Lookup tool here:
4) Same-day registration is not available on Election Day.
5) Information about judicial candidates and the six constitutional amendments on the ballot is here:
6) Voters who need assistance at the polls must request that assistance. Individuals who are unable to enter the polling place may vote curbside. Once inside the polling place, voters who experience difficulties should request help from a poll worker.
7) The State Board asks that all voters respect the right of others to participate in the election. Intimidating any voter is a crime. Voters who feel harassed or intimidated should notify an election official immediately.
8) To report an election incident to the State Board, submit it online here.
9) If you present to vote and your name is not on the voter list, you may request a provisional ballot. If you cast a provisional ballot, about 10 days after the election you may check the status of your ballot here:
10) Election results will begin posting after 7:30 p.m. at