“Congratulations to all Law Enforcement Agencies in Alamance County. Their commitment to CIT leads to positive results like this.

The actions mentioned in the Washington Post story about the Burlington Police Department are exactly what my family experienced a few years ago in Burlington. The de-escalation skills work. My family has experienced incidents involving mental illness and Law Enforcement before and after CIT. The change is absolutely amazing. Thank you to all Law Enforcement in Alamance County. Thank you very much!”

Art Springer
President, NAMI Alamance, Caswell, Rockingham

Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/deescalation-training-police/2020/10/27/3a345830-14a8-11eb-ad6f-36c93e6e94fb_story.html

About Author

I've been running the Alamance County Website since its initial launch in 1998. It is my goal to provide the best customer service to any and all of those who need my assistance.