When and where are meetings held?
The Commissioners regularly meet on the first Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and the third Monday nights of each month at 6:30 p.m. The schedule is subject to change due to holidays. The meetings are held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room located on the 2nd floor of the Alamance County Office Building, 124 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253. The meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. Please check the Commissioner’s Meeting Portal for any changes to dates, times, or locations of meetings.
How do I sign up to speak in-person during the public comments portion of a meeting?
You may either sign up in-person using the sign-up sheet on the podium outside of the meeting room before each meeting or ahead of time online. The online sign up is found in our Meeting Portal.
From the Upcoming Meetings sections of the Meeting Portal, click on the Delegation Request icon (1)
On the window that opens, fill in your information and be sure to check the reCAPTCHA before hitting the Request button to submit the form. Double check you’re signing up for the correct Meeting Date that you plan to attend.
How can I watch a meeting if I am unable to attend in person?
We stream our meetings on our YouTube channel. This includes both a live stream as the meeting is occurring as well as an edited version generally available the next day. The edited version enhances the sound quality and cuts out any recesses the Commissioners may take. This channel includes videos of meetings dating back to 2008.
What are the rules of commenting and/or speaking?
Our Public Comment Policy may be found on the Commissioner’s website at https://www.alamance-nc.com/commissioners/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/03/6-6-22-BOC-Public-Comment-and-Public-Hearing-Policy-Final-sm.pdf
Who do I contact for ADA accommodations?
Please contact the Clerk to the Board, Tory Frink, for any accommodations ahead of the meeting via email at Tory.Frink@alamance-nc.com
How can I request a proclamation to be heard by the Commissioners?
Proclamations are ceremonial documents adopted by the County Commissioners for the purpose of public awareness, charitable events, arts and cultural celebrations, and other special honors. A proclamation is a formal declaration of a day/week/month in honor of a special event.
Please contact Tory Frink via email at Tory.Frink@alamance-nc.com with any proclamation requests at least one month in advance of when the document is needed.
When is the meeting agenda available?
Meeting agendas are available as early as possible in advance of a Commissioner’s meeting. Please check our Meeting Portal for more information.
How can I submit a meeting comment?
You may leave comments on upcoming meetings that will be seen and reviewed in our Meeting Portal once the agenda is published.
Click on the comment box icon (1) for the upcoming meeting you have a comment about.
Click on the section you would like to make a comment on (2). Normally the BOLDED text can be clicked on. Click on the “Leave comment” box near the top right of the screen (3).
Fill in the information requested, check the reCAPTCHA box, and press Submit on the window that opens and your comment will be added into document.