

CenteringPregnancy® Model of Care

Think Outside the Box and Step Inside the Circle
There’s a new and exciting way to receive prenatal care at Alamance County Health Department.  Our maternity clinic is now offering CenteringPregnancy® to women who are having a baby.  Centering takes women out of the exam room and allows them to receive prenatal care and education in a group setting without losing any of the benefits of high quality prenatal care.
Eight to twelve women with similar due dates meet together on a regular basis, learn skills, take part in discussions and build a social network all while receiving prenatal care.  Participants are allowed to become a part of their own care by taking their own weights and blood pressures while providers measure their bellies and check for the baby’s heartbeat.  Afterwards, the group discusses prenatal topics including nutrition, baby care, stress reduction, self esteem, parenting, and much more.  The group style of prenatal care allows women not only to learn from their providers but also from each other.
To learn more about CenteringPregnancy®, visit
or call the Centering Pregnancy Coordinator at (336) 229-3860 .
