Lovingkindness Meditation cover - audiobook

Lovingkindness Meditation by Sharon Salzberg

Lovingkindness Meditation by Sharon Salzberg - Audiobook

On this Valentine’s Day, I’d like to share a resource that has been proven to increase people’s sense of well-being called lovingkindness meditation.  On Hoopla*, you can find guided meditations and writings from the well-known meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg, who is credited with increasing awareness about lovingkindness meditation in the United States.  The audiobooks titled Lovingkindness Meditation give readers insight into this practice, and the author offers listeners the opportunity to participate through guided meditations.

In recent decades, scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of lovingkindness meditation.  Some of those benefits include decreases in chronic pain, depression, and anxiety and increases in positive emotions and feelings of social connectedness. 

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate the different types of love, not just romantic, and so I end my review by sharing the lovingkindness phrases that have enhanced the lives of so many…

May you be happy,

May you be healthy,

May you be safe,

May you live with ease.

Amy Kendrick is the Branch Manager for May Memorial Library. You can reach her at akendrick@alamancelibraries.org.

*To download Hoopla, visit our website or download it on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.