Home Delivery and Books by Mail

Volunteers deliver large-print and audiobook materials on a monthly basis to home-bound patrons throughout the county, as well as USPS free delivery and return of books-by-mail for the visually impaired.

Contact Us

May Memorial Public Library
342 S. Spring St.
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: 336-229-3588 ext. 16109 or ask for Outreach
e-mail: outreach@alamancelibraries.org


The Home Delivery Services Coordinator helps patrons with book selection and materials, and, if necessary, refers patrons to the NC Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped for home delivery of books on CD or in Braille. The Coordinator works with site personnel to meet the needs of patrons living in nursing homes, retirement communities and adult care facilities, as well as those living independently. Caregivers of home-bound readers are also encouraged to contact the Home Delivery Services Coordinator.

Books-by-mail through Alamance County Public Libraries makes use of the program funded by Congress to allow for United States Postal Service delivery and return of library materials for individuals certified as needing large print or audio materials due to vision impairment.

Large Print Materials

Each library branch of the Alamance County Public Library has a collection of large-print materials available for browsing by patrons who visit the library. Titles with the location “Outreach” in the catalog are unavailable for browsing, but may be requested or placed on hold just like any other library material. The library orders large-print copies of the authors and titles most in demand, especially bestsellers.


Furthermore, as the use of the Outreach Services Program continues to grow, there is a need for more volunteers to deliver materials to home-bound patrons. If you are interested in volunteering, please call 336-229-3588 and ask for Outreach. Volunteer forms can be found here.