The Board of County Commissioners Strategic Plan Retreat was held June 26, 2016 as a way to review, edit, and possibly affirm the Mission and Vision Statements and the Strategic Plan. There were representatives present from the County Commissioners, County Staff, and the community itself.

During the Retreat, the Mission and Vision Statements were revised into a final draft, but they may be further edited before they will be brought to the Board of County Commissioners at a future meeting to adopt for the entire County. The current revised Vision and Mission Statements are as follows:

County Vision:

Alamance County is a cohesive community with a thriving economy that balances respect for our rural history with thoughtful growth and development.

County Mission:

Alamance County effectively provides its citizens with high quality public services, the tools for successful economic development, and a responsive, transparent government that supports the community as the preferred place to live, work, and play.



Currently, County staff is working to create a list of core values that accurately reflect the principles that help guide the Plan and all County operations, and is continuing to make necessary edits to the Strategic Plan. A copy of the updated draft of the Plan can be found on the home page of the Strategic Plan website.

Thank you, and feel free to contact the Planning Department if you have any questions about the process so far, and the plan for the future!