The Landfill Department provides waste disposal services for the county’s industrial, commercial, and residential sectors.

The Landfill receives yard waste, scrap tires, white goods, and recyclables and provides for proper disposal as well as enforces the county’s solid waste and recycling ordinances. It also manages contracts related to waste and recycling franchises.

2022-2023 Workload Measures

1. Report waste tonnage
2. Report recycling tonnage
3. Report number of vehicles (commercial and residential) that cross Landfill scales
4. Report expected life of permitted areas of the landfill
5. Report the rate of compaction

Updated 7/20/22

2022-2023 Performance Management Goals
1) Continue goal of 95% of equipment to receive preventive maintenance.In Progress
2) Initiate or complete construction of new 16-acre lined cell.In Progress
3) Initiate or complete the formal closure of the C&D landfill.In Progress
4) Initiate or complete bidding, contract award, and construction of new commercial access road, dual
scales, scale house, and metal/tire/bulky goods tarmac.
In Progress
5) Initiate or complete the purchase and delivery of a new road tractor, open top trailers, and excavator in
support of the new tarmac operations to facilitate County supplied transport of materials.
In Progress