Alamance County Public Libraries promote literacy skills and educational opportunities for all ages through a variety of programs, and provides access to print, electronic, AV materials, information, Internet, and genealogical and historical materials.

2022-2023 Workload Measures

1. Number of visitors to all branches
2. Number of classes and programs offered
3. Number of participants at classes
4. Number of community partnerships and collaborations
5. Job/Career interactions
6. Total patron assistance transactions
7. Circulation of materials
8. Circulation of electronic material
9. Internet accessed via in-house public computers
10. Internet accessed via wi-fi public computers
11. Number of people served through technology trainings
12. Track the number of people who attend agricultural educations programs
13. Website usage statistics
14. Electronic user experience resources
15. Number of Passports
16. Number of Passport Customers

Updated 7/20/2022

2022-2023 Performance Management Goals
1) Begin a high level of record keeping as we learn the Mobile Library during its first year of service.
Through stringent statistics such as requests for service, visitor count, materials checked-out and used
on-site, Wi-Fi usage, etc. we will adapt the stops, routes and services to better meet the needs of the
In Progress
2) Explore the feasibility of adding additional mobile technologies to our Creating Connections program
through the assessment of community interest, cost analysis, and funding opportunities. This could be
through switching public computers to laptops for in-house use, laptops or tablets available for patron
check-out, expanding the circulating hotspot program, etc.
In Progress
3) Evaluate our online resources to add, purge, or modify our offerings to reflect the needs of the
community and staff.
In Progress
4) Perform a high level of record keeping during it’s first year of service for the 24/7 Materials Pick-Up
Unit installed at the Graham Public Library to determine the success and viability in other community
partner locations.
In Progress
5) Grow our presence in the community by evaluating our community and their needs and creating a threeyear
outreach and community engagement plan.
In Progress
6) To improve and enhance customer service and library services knowledge and skills, 90% of employees
will participate in training and learning opportunities for a cumulative total value of 175 hours.
In Progress
7) To support the Alamance County action pillars of preserving agriculture and world class education,
ACPL will provide a minimum of four agricultural themed programs.
In Progress
8) To promote communication and employee voice, ACPL will host monthly meetings as a collective
library group with representation from all library employee types, branches and management.
In Progress